It lost this year's Booker prize but I really loved Damon Galgut's In A Strange Room. The book is finally out in the US through Europa editions. Check out reviews here. And here. Interview in The Paris Review, where portions of the novel originally appeared.
I'm currently enjoying the short story collection Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self. Read about the author Danielle Evans here.
Word is that the Obama administration will appeal historic DADT ruling. I don't really understand Obama's master plan with all of this. Read Aaron Belkin's impassioned plea for letting DADT die.
Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan premiere Never Let Me Go in London. Can their outfits be any cooler?
31 Days of Horror on The Awl.
Really loving both of these outfits. Carey Mulligan has been on a hot style streak as of late.